Monday, 22 March 2010

My Music Video Audience Feedback

Here is a screen shot of a message that I sent to friend's via facebook so that they could complete the survey on my music video.

The link to my survey is:
The link to my video is:

Here are the Pie Charts that I have created so that is easier to analyse the response from my audience about my music video. I created these charts using Excel.

This pie chart is looking at where people would expect the music video to be shown, from the chart you can see that Music channels were the popular choice, closely followed by social networking sites. These two were the one that I thought would be the highest, due to the clean cut of the video shoot, it looks very professional, just like the ones you see on MTV and YouTube was a popular choice as it is an easily accessible way of promoting a video.

This pie chart shows whether people think what Sam is wearing ties in with the look of the video, as you can see everyone that took the survey think it does. It was quite a casual outfit but it fitted in with the look of the video and Sam could move easily in this too, which helped us in the video as he was an energetic performer.

This pie chart shows whether people think that the overall look fits in with the genre of music, clearly everyone did think the video tied in. I hoped this would be the case as I did look at a couple of "Rap" video's and saw a strong correlation between them, which I then used in my video. I kept it just Sam on screen, and also had very energetic, quick cuts. This was influenced by the video's I had previously watched.

This pie chart shows whether people liked my video or not, I am extremely pleased with the outcome as everyone did like my video. I put alot of hard work and effort into it and it is nice to see that all my work has paid off as everyone likes it, even Sam and Les.

This pie chart shows what genre people think my music video will fit into, a majority of people got it right as I aimed my video at the Rap genre, it would also fit in with the Hip - Hop genre too, but the Rap genre has a stronger correlation with the effects in my video.

This pie chart shows what people would change if they could change something about my video, a majority of people said nothing, which is great to hear back. The only two things people would change is Location and Narrative. The location was supposed to be in both the tv studio and the hotel but due to problems with the hotel we then couldn't shoot in there again, so that is why we stuck to the Studio shoot. Narrative, I don't agree that it could be improved/changed because when you watch the video, Sam is miming in time with the lyrics and he also does little actions too.

This pie chart shows what people thought the best element of the music video was, Camera work was the clear winner closely followed by editing and lighting. The camera work was freehand because I could then get an energetic feel from Sam, not being restricted by the trolley camera's. Editing was the longest process but this created the whole look of the video, which is spot on for the look we were after, lighting as well was carefully planned so the end video that was excuted was as what we wanted it to be.

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